Call Statistics
Call Statistics Advanced is invaluable to a business. No matter the size of the business or industry. Call Statistics will let you have a quick overview or if you need and in-depth analysis of your calls. A bespoke statistics package, which allows Talk Numbers customers to log in and see information on their calls and call patterns.
Call Statistics will allow you to see how many calls. How long the calls are. Missed calls. Engaged calls. Where the calls originated. From this information you will be able to make informed decisions.

Benefits of Using call statistics:
- Workout your average cost per call.
- Identify trends for inbound calls e.g. the peak times, to help you manage your resources.
- See the location of your callers to determine areas that need focus on.
- Better target your advertising.
- Improve customer satisfaction.
- Improve customer wait time.
- Develop measures for improving your teams call handling skills.
- Too many missed calls.
- Produce reports for meeting.
- Save you business money by using resources optimally.
- Reduce abandoned calls or engaged tone.
- Optimise and monitor your Agents handling of the call.
- Identify peak and troughs.
- Develop measures for improving your teams call handling skills e.g. looking at time taken to answer.
- Plan staffing levels.
- ROI review which advertisements are more effective so prevent marketing mistakes thereby improve returns.
- Download reports in csv format to import into spreadsheet packages such as Excel.

Management information and reporting
Management information and near real time statistical reporting is available in Vision.
Call data is held for a period of 6 months or longer and can be downloaded in csv format.

Some of Available Report Types in Vision:
- Dialled Number – Presents a report for all calls made from customer’s to your Non Geographic numbers. The Advanced Call Statistics is based upon the inbound leg of the call. Due to Data protection only the first 5 digits of the customers number is shown.
- Daily Report – Presents a report for all calls made from customer’s numbers within the time interval specified. The chosen filter setting ‘interval’ will affect how the report is presented.
- Call Originator – Presents a report for all calls made from customer’s numbers based upon the origin of the calls, selectable by std code, postcode, town, county or country. The report is based upon the inbound leg of the call.
- Search – Presents a report dependant upon the search criteria entered. The search report presents information on inbound calls made from customers.
- Filter– This generates a custom report set to your filter parameters. Parameters are report specific but include criteria such as date range, time range, specific number or number range, and are unique.

Ask us how Advanced Call Statistics plan can benefit your company.
Call us on: 03 300 300 9000 or use our contact page – We are here to help you….