Voicemail to Email
Voicemail to Email
Voicemail to Email means you never need to have an engaged tone or missed call.
Your Caller will be given the chance to leave a message on the answer phone. Because Voicemail to Email is not line dependent, multiple callers can leave messages at the same time.
Once the caller has left a message, our server sends an email to you as a wav file. You can listen to the Voicemail at your convenience or forward as required
Benefits of Voicemail to Email
- Never miss a call.
- Customer will never receive a busy tone.
- Capture messages outside of business hours.
- Create your own customised messages.
- Customers can leave messages 24hours a day, 365 days of the year. Improving customers service and response times.
- Customers will always have the option to leave a voicemail message.
- Forward a copy to another person’s mailbox.
- Save messages for later retrieval without writing over previous messages.
- Store & archive your voicemail for future reference.
- The voicemails are delivered to your inbox for easy access.
- Voicemails are attached in an email as a wav file – Just double click on the file to listen to the message.
- World wide access to your voicemail.
- Forward a copy to another person’s mailbox.
- Save messages for later retrieval without writing over previous messages.
- Store & archive your voicemail for future reference.
- The voicemails are delivered to your inbox for easy access.
- Voicemails are attached in an email as a wav file – Just double click on the file to listen to the message.
- World wide access to your voicemail.

Need to know more about the cost of calling 03’s and 08’s this is an Ofcom site