Welcome messages and call greetings are messages you create to use in the dial for your company’s phone number. Your incoming call greetings or messages can include business voicemail greetings, auto-attendants, and even call queue greetings. Custom messages can be played to all callers, those reaching a specific department, or even to specific Customers callers based on their number.

The Introduction to your company is the first thing a caller hears when they phone your Business.
It gives a professional first impression when customers call your business number.

Welcome Message Benefits
Professional First Impression
Callers will receive a friendly professional welcome upon calling your company
Messages are Bespoke to your company
Whether its for a
Introduction Message
Comfort Call Queue Message
Voicemail Message
To tell customers you record calls
Promotional Information
You can change the messages, when ever you need – so great to promote your companies endeavours or a product or service – Its your Call!
Stand out from the Crowd